
Readers React: Opposing views on impeachment, neither of them pro-Trump

Rep. Adam Schiff speaks at a May 30 discussion in Los Angeles on the possibility of impeaching President Trump.
Rep. Adam Schiff speaks at a May 30 discussion in Los Angeles on the possibility of impeaching President Trump.
(Mario Tama / Getty Images)
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To the editor: Speaking at the California Democratic Party convention in San Francisco recently, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) “told them the president lacks morality and basic decency and called Trump unethical, dangerous and buffoonish. But he stopped short, again, of saying he should be impeached.”

This is crazy. If the president lacks morality and basic decency and is unethical, dangerous and buffoonish — and he is most definitely all these — then he should not be enabled by being allowed to continue in office.

It is imperative that the president be impeached before he does more harm to our country. To not impeach is to give legitimacy to the president’s comment when he was just a candidate that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and still not lose support.


Also, it is quite likely that President Trump will win reelection given the cult-like devotion of his base and the tampering that we can expect at the next election. Then what will we do?

Karl F. Schmid, Los Angeles


To the editor: I admire Schiff’s intelligence and integrity, but I believe I am farther from impeachment of Trump than he is.


If the House passes articles of impeachment, that topic will consume all the oxygen during the campaign. In addition, I see no chance that the Senate will convict the president. Better to concentrate on the issues that matter in people’s lives and humiliate Trump at the polls.

I will vote for anyone who wins the Democratic nomination, whether that person is my first choice or my last choice. No one can be worse than the travesty that is Trump.

Judi Birnberg, Sherman Oaks


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