
Peyton Manning: Which team would be the best fit? [Poll]

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Peyton Manning has narrowed down his choices of potential teams to join as a free agent. Or so the reports say. But oddly enough, that list seems to keep growing rather than getting smaller, like most lists that are being narrowed down tend to do.

Since being released by the Indianapolis Colts last week, the veteran quarterback has met with the Arizona Cardinals and Denver Broncos, spending at least six hours with each team. Reports early Monday said Manning had no intention of meeting with any other teams.

Then word got out that he would meet with the Miami Dolphins later in the day. But that apparently never happened -- if it had, the media members gathered across the street from the team complex surely would have noticed. Of course, that’s not to say a meeting between Manning and the Dolphins won’t happen at some point.


[Updated at 12:30 p.m.: Multiple sources are reporting that members of the Dolphins organization, including Coach Joe Philbin and offensive coordinator Mike Sherman, met with Manning in Indianapolis on Monday night.]

The Tennessee Titans have also entered the Peyton derby, according to ESPN. Although the Titans play in the same division as the Colts, such a move might make sense. Manning was a college star at Tennessee, his wife is from Memphis and his father is old teammates with Coach Mike Munchak. Plus, billionaire owner Bud Adams has made it clear that he really, really wants Manning.

And just when you thought we’d narrowed it down to just four teams, the Denver Post threw two more teams into the mix Monday, reporting that the Houston Texans and San Francisco 49ers (who just signed veteran receiver Randy Moss but have yet to re-sign free agent quarterback Alex Smith) are in consideration as well.


Manning has played his entire pro career for one team, so he hasn’t been in this situation before. So let’s give him a little help. Where do you think he should sign? The Times’ Sam Farmer gave a great overview of some of the possibilities last week if you, like Manning, need a little help deciding.

Please pick the team you think will be the best fit for him (although if you can’t control yourself and show a little hometown bias, there’s nothing we can do to stop you). Vote in the poll, then leave a comment explaining why you voted the way you did.



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The Associated Press contributed to this report.
