
Diet soda drinkers gain weight, sue Coca-Cola and Pepsi

(bhofack / Getty Images/iStockphoto)
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Six soda drinkers gained weight while drinking exorbitant amounts of diet soda. After seeing that the soda didn’t have beneficial effects on their diets, the group sued three soda companies with the accusation that diet soda makes people fat.

All six soda drinkers have a history of obesity and attempts to lose weight. They claimed that the aspartame in diet sodas produced by Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and Dr Pepper Snapple added to the width of their frames rather than helping them shed pounds as promised. All three of these huge corporations were sued.

The suits claim that since recent studies link aspartame to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, a slowing metabolism, and weight gain, the branding of these products as “diet” is inaccurate and illegal.


Of course, this isn’t the first time big soda companies have been sued - and certainly not the first time they’ve had to deal with customers angry over the ineffectiveness of the drinks for weight loss.

“This lawsuit is completely meritless, and we will vigorously defend against it,” said Coca-Cola in a statement.

Dr Pepper Snapple claimed they have “sound scientific studies” to back the ability of their sweeteners to assist with weight maintenance, and that the suits are “completely without merit.”


PepsiCo did not even bother to comment.

If consumers have paid any attention to the media or science, they probably know that diet soda isn’t exactly good for you. Drinking it under the guise that it’ll help you lose weight is a naïve assumption - though it’s probably exactly what those very companies want you to believe. It isn’t news, but perhaps legal action should be taken to correct misleading advertising - diet soda is an unhealthy drink pretending, under flimsy marketing claims, to be healthy.
