
Fountain Valley High weight room gets a lift

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Recently, the Fountain Valley High School athletics department got an upgrade on the weight room, thanks to the efforts of Dennis Piramo, the co-athletic director and special education teacher, and Brad Woodbury from the athletics department.

The athletics department had $45,000 worth of weightlifting equipment donated to the school from BILT by Agassi & Reyes. According to Piramo, the company does it for most public schools.

Originally, FVHS Principal Morgan Smith received an email from the company and Piramo followed the conversation through with the local representative from BILT.


This involved the contributions of others as well. Kristie Musso, Assistant Principal Josh Lamar’s secretary, has a husband who works for the shipping company, so the costs to ship the equipment was donated as well.

“It’s not just weights with bars, although we did get three platforms,” Piramo said. “Most of it is tension with weights, so it’s more circuit-training type of thing. It’s really cool.”

Since adding the new equipment to the weight room, Piramo has been working hard with Woodbury to assemble it.


“We didn’t hire anybody, so everything is literally, 100% donated,” he said. “I think it’s really good for the P.E. and athletics alike.”

Many view the new weight room equipment as beneficial toward students, whether in regular P.E. or a members of a team sport.

Piramo has positive views on it.

“I love it. I think it’s an upgrade to the weight room,” Piramo said. “I’m constantly looking for other companies to donate things to us, so hopefully we can get another generous offer.”


This story was originally posted by the Los Angeles Times High School Insider.
