
Lowe has more trouble with sore hip

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Times Staff Writer

CINCINNATI -- Derek Lowe experienced more trouble with his sore left hip during a bullpen session Wednesday. And while the Dodgers say the right-hander is still on schedule to start Saturday in St. Louis, pitching coach Rick Honeycutt said Lowe probably will be on a short leash.

“We’re very concerned about it,” Honeycutt said.

Lowe, who missed a start for the first time in his career last week after first irritating the hip trying to get ready for a short relief appearance, came up sore after a rough five-inning outing Saturday against Arizona. He said he felt good after performing a series of flexibility exercises Tuesday but then had trouble stretching the hip out Wednesday.

“He finished up better,” Honeycutt said. “I’m not sure it’s soreness. When he gets his normal delivery, his normal stride, he’s OK. I think it’s apprehension more than anything else.”


Manager Grady Little, who pushed Lowe’s start back two days to give the hip more rest, hinted earlier this week that Lowe may be bothered by the injury for the rest of the season.

“He’s as healthy as he’s going to be,” Little said.

When the Dodgers stumbled out of the gate following the All-Star break last season, losing 13 of their first 14, it cost them only five games in the standings.

This summer’s slump hasn’t quite reached those depths yet -- though it’s getting close, with the Dodgers having dropped six in a row, nine of their last 10 and 15 of 20.


It has been more costly, however, with the team falling from first to fourth in the National League West in less than two weeks.

“It’s magnified because Arizona is winning 13 of 16,” second baseman Jeff Kent said after Wednesday’s 1-0 loss in Cincinnati. “There’s magnification all over the place. Just look at today. One run, one pitch, one play, one swing of the bat determined the ballgame today.”

The team’s offensive misfortunes even appear to have caught up with Kent, who went hitless in four at-bats and failed to reach base for the first time in 40 games.


The good news is the Dodgers rallied to a playoff berth after last July’s losing streak. And outfielder Matt Kemp is certain they’ll do it again.

“One big hit. That’s all we need,” he said. “Score some runs and get the flow back like we did before the All-Star break. We’re a good team. We’re better than this. And everybody knows that.

“We’ll be back on top before the season’s over with.”

After examining right-hander Chin-hui Tsao’s sore right shoulder, orthopedic surgeon Dr. Lewis Yocum told the Dodgers’ medical staff that he concurs with their analysis and agreed the pitcher should continue with rehab and strengthening exercises before he picks up a baseball again.

Tsao, who went on the disabled list July 15 for the second time this season, had hoped to begin throwing this week.

The Dodgers’ Aug. 26 game against the New York Mets at Shea Stadium has been changed from a 10 a.m. PDT start to 5 p.m. to accommodate ESPN, which will televise the game nationally.

