
Davis, Dunleavy talk it out

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Dillman is a Times staff writer.

Call it the Peace Treaty at Playa Vista.

Baron Davis, having finished an interview with a Bay Area reporter, walked by Clippers Coach Mike Dunleavy and another reporter and passed along some information at the team’s training facility at Playa Vista on Friday afternoon.

“Coach, I threw you under the bus,” Davis said.

Davis was smiling. He laughed and so did Dunleavy.

Bill Plaschke’s column on Wednesday talked about the growing pains of the Dunleavy-Davis relationship, and it had enough of a shelf life for Dunleavy to take action Friday morning.

“I called Baron in, ‘Let’s talk about this thing. I want to understand what you mean. And I want you to understand what I’m saying,’ ” Dunleavy said. “If we don’t have an agreement there, then it means further talking and further tweaking.


“We’ve got to see what we’ve got to do. As far as I’m concerned we had a great talk.”

Davis had been quoted in Plaschke’s column as saying there was a “disconnect” and that he had never seen so many plays in his “entire career,” having come from the opposite end of the spectrum, at Golden State. (The Warriors are in town to play the Clippers today.)

On Friday, Davis said that communication was improving between him and Dunleavy, and the new Clippers point guard volunteered the information that they had a meeting.

“It’s hard when you first start off in any situation, and you want to be perfect,” Davis said. “Me kind of being a perfectionist, I want to do everything out there possible to give coach what he wants and what he sees.”


Davis, rejecting the school of thought that Dunleavy needed to loosen the reins, then said something cited often in relationship talk. It’s not you, it’s me.

“He lets you play. He’s allowed me to play,” Davis said. “It’s more so me, than anything else. In large part, it’s my frustration of wanting to get us off on a winning track and reality setting in. And the ship not running as smooth as I thought it could. Or what I envisioned in the beginning.”

The relationship, framed by the Clippers’ 1-7 start, remains a work in progress, to swipe Davis’ phrase.


“I think that’s the main thing, figuring out what he likes to do,” Davis said. “And he asked me what things I like to do. As far as our personal relationship, it’s been great. It’s just a lot of times I’ve been frustrated, more so with myself, and putting a lot of pressure on myself to try to accelerate that learning curve instead of just being patient with myself out there on the floor.”

Said Dunleavy: “Everybody has to stay positive. . . . You can’t do anything about the negatives in your life, they are there.

“It’s how you respond to them. If your response to them is to point fingers and blame as opposed to figuring out a way -- how do I work through this? Talk it through. Let’s be rational and if there’s anything someone doesn’t agree about, don’t go whispering someplace else, go right to the source.

“That’s what I do. If I have an issue with somebody, I go straight to them and say this is what I’m hearing. Is it true or not true?”

Apparently, that’s how it played out at Playa Vista.

“We’re understanding each other,” Davis said.

