
Major league’s guidelines on provisions for a traded player

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The collective bargaining agreement between Major League Baseball and the players’ union entitles players the following if they are traded to another big league club during a season:

1. First-class jet airfare and meals en route for the player and his wife to enable the player to report to his new club.

2. Supplemental allowance: seven days meal and tip allowance. (Player treated as if he’s on the road.)


3. First-class accommodations for the first seven days after the trade.

4. Moving Allowance: varies depending on how far the player has to travel to get to his new team.

5. Reimbursement for additional moving costs for the player and his immediate family resulting from trade (including airfare).

6. Rental payment reimbursement for the apartment the player is leaving if he makes the apartment available for the former club’s use.


7. Any assignment bonus provided for in his contract.


1. Player has 72 hours to report to his new club. (If a player doesn’t report immediately, he is not credited for service time until the day he reports.)

2. Current salary would continue through the 72-hour period.

Source: Major League Baseball Players’ Assn.
