
Creepy morphed photo of Peyton Manning, Nicolas Cage takes on Google

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Peyton Manning is an All-American guy. We all know that. Just one look at the Denver Broncos quarterback and you just can't help but say, "Aw shucks."

Nicolas Cage is an Oscar-winning actor who may have played some shady characters but doesn't appear to be too scary in real life.

But put the two men together and ... well, Heaven help us all.

Not sure exactly why someone would want to do that, but someone did.

And that twisted photo currently is the first thing you'll see if you search for images of Manning on Google.

In fact, as recently as Monday morning it was the main image you'd see if you simply typed the five-time NFL MVP's name into Google, although somebody over there apparently is working on the issue because now no images at all accompany a regular search for that Manning.

And a search for his father, Archie, or brother Eli right now -- or even guys like Tom Brady or Andrew Luck -- produces no mention of Peyton in the "People also search for section" off to the side. My guess is it has something to do with this issue because a thumbnail image always accompanies the names on that list.

From what I can tell, the disturbing image can be traced back to this tweet:

How that monstrosity ended up breaking Google is anyone's guess.

Twitter: @chewkiii
