
Robert Griffin III: Watch Sam Farmer, Mark Thompson discuss his debut

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NFL columnist Sam Farmer and former radio personality Mark Thompson got together today for a live Google+ hangout chat (you can watch a replay above) on the NFL, including the amazing start by Robert Griffin III.

Farmer pointed out that there is one thing that should concern people about Griffin: He’s very thin, which could make him injury prone. “He’s thin. And he throws his body in there with abandon,” Farmer said. “You just hope that RG3 doesn’t put himself too much in peril.”

On replacement refs: “I think the replacement refs ... have done well enough ... that it does take bargaining power away from the negotiating refs -- ‘it might not be as good, but we can get by without you,’” Thompson said. But Farmer reminds Thompson, and us, that there were a few badly blown calls Sunday. And what if a game’s outcome hinges on one such call?


On Peyton Manning: “I saw him smile a lot more last night than I saw him smile in Indianapolis,” Farmer said. “He seems relaxed. He’s got a great defense. He’s got a running game, which really seems bizarre with Peyton being able to hand off.”

On Atlanta quarterback Matt Ryan being underrated: “The Falcons never had back-to-back winning seasons until they had four in a row with Matt Ryan.”

The byplay between Thompson and Farmer is fun to watch. Thompson makes fun of Farmer’s wide collar, and makes note of the fact that Farmer’s father-in-law makes a cameo appearance during the chat.


Farmer and Thompson will be chatting about the NFL every Monday and Friday at 11:30 a.m. Pacific time. It is a must-see if you are an NFL fan, so mark your calendars.

By the way, we are still trying to come up with a name for the segment. You can vote at



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