
Temple Christian Officials Address Issues of Gym, Athletics, Funding

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We would like to address the article in the sports section of Oct. 22. Here are some facts:

1. The Temple Christian gym is not darkened and does not stand as a shrine to overambitious dreams.

2. The sounds echoing through the gym these days include a physical education program for grades K-12, a junior high sports program after school, church sports at least two nights each week, church supper and Awana programs every Wednesday night, youth department activities, church banquets and other special programs, Sunday School every week. The gym was built for more than athletics. The church held its services there every Sunday until recently.


3. Temple Christian’s entire athletic program did not fold. Coach Debbie Stringer and the athletic director lead a junior high sports program.

4. The budget for Temple Christian, grades K-12, is $322,750 this year.

5. The high school alone projected a $281,050 budget this year for a complete college-prep program. Based on 100 students, the income for tuitions alone would have resulted in an $80,000 deficit. This is the major factor for cutbacks in the high school program, not the cost of the gym.

6. The gym was one phase of a building plan for the entire church and planned by the entire church board several years ago. The congregation projected paying for the addition by donations and pledges. As with other charitable and nonprofit organizations, giving is sometimes irregular and is affected by the local economy. Many of our members have suffered job layoffs and cutbacks.


7. The gym was part of an addition which included a modern kitchen, choir room, storage areas, maintenance rooms, a missionary apartment, offices, shower rooms, and five classrooms. Before that time, the church was paying $3,000 a month for other facilities being used as classrooms for church and school use.

8. The reason the high school program was eliminated this year was so the former athletes could play CIF sports for other schools.

9. A plan is still in the works for a county high school under direction of other churches, not under the sole jurisdiction of Ventura Baptist Temple.


RON MATTHEWS, principal


Temple Christian School Board
