
OJAI : Landfill Report Will Not Be Recirculated


An environmental study for the proposed landfill at Weldon Canyon near Ojai will be revised to include the effects of shrinking the dump by about 68%, but will not be recirculated among the public, a county environmental committee decided Wednesday.

Members of the Environmental Report Review Committee decided that the changes in the study will not be significant and that the county is not required to recirculate the revised report.

The panel includes representatives of several county agencies and was formed to decide whether environmental studies are technically adequate. The committee did not accept public comments Wednesday, but in a letter to the panel the Environmental Coalition of Ventura County urged the group to recirculate the report to give residents a chance to respond to the new information.


During a 104-day period, the county collected more than 650 comments and questions from residents and public agencies concerning the landfill study.

If the study were to be recirculated, the county would be required to respond to questions posed during the additional recirculation period.
