
Is El Toro Airport Stance Hypocrisy?


* First we have the residents of south Orange County promoting an airport or airport expansion at Los Angeles International Airport, Palmdale, Ontario and March Air Force Base, which are outside Orange County, as an alternative to creating a commercial airport at El Toro.

Then we have the residents of south Orange County criticizing Mayor Richard Riordan of Los Angeles for attending a fund-raiser in Orange County and promoting an airport at El Toro because he is an outsider butting into another county’s business. It appears that hypocrisy is alive and thriving in south Orange County.


Los Alamitos

* I find it reprehensible that South County leaders use intimidation and threats against El Toro airport.


They did everything possible to keep Mayor Richard Riordan from speaking in favor of our proposed airport and criticized him for coming to Orange County with his pertinent views. However, they have had no problem inviting people outside our county to speak on the issue as long as they criticize the airport.

One of their newest schemes is to frighten county politicians from taking a pro-airport stance by implying that South County people will not vote for them and they will lose the election. Wrong!

In fact, the opposite is true. Proof is in our most recent election results. The biggest battle regarding this issue was the supervisor’s race between pro-airport candidate Jim Silva and anti-airport Dave Sullivan.

In spite of hundreds of thousands of dollars and time poured into Sullivan’s race by South County residents who hoped for his majority vote on the board, Silva decisively won.

Even Sullivan’s negative campaign strategy didn’t work. In fact, every North County candidate who supported the airport won, the only exception being a race in which other issues were far more compelling.

Apparently anti-airport activists think they don’t need facts to sway people to their views. I prefer to think we are becoming educated in the airport issues, largely due to media coverage, and are able to discern the truth.




* Re “Airport: Issue for Entire Region,” Dec. 9 editorial:

I agree with you that it is a regional issue. What I fail to understand is why El Toro seems to be the only choice for this airport when Ontario and March Air Force Base are both anxious to be put to fuller use.

Riordan refers to helping the poor. Few poor live anywhere near El Toro. To reach jobs in south Orange County, many commute from the Ontario and Riverside area.

No one mentions affordable housing or transportation alternatives, other than automobiles, for jobs created in the region. What about San Diego’s need for more and safer airport capacity? Does Camp Pendleton need all the open space in north San Diego County, where there are few residences?

The problem is indeed regional, but all possible parts of the region should be explored as potential places for additional air transport. Do not just [bow to] the wishes of Orange County developers.



* I moved to Southern California from the East Coast two years ago to accept an engineering position in Los Angeles.

It was a tough decision because I absolutely did not want to live in Los Angeles. The decision to move was made since I could live in Orange County, where quality of life is significantly better. But it meant enduring a one-hour commute.


There are many others in my company who did the same. I therefore find it ironic that Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan would be here preaching that our county’s quality of life will be improved by a Los Angeles International Airport-type airport at El Toro.

This is more about the mayor’s attempt to save the quality of life of Los Angeles at the expense of Orange County, sponsored by those trying to save quality of life in Newport Beach.

If an airport at El Toro occurs, then I’ll be moving out of Orange County. I’m sure others will follow suit.


Aliso Viejo

* It seems Dana Parsons’ digestive system is in an uproar over Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan’s support for an El Toro airport and his recent visit to the Oz of Orange County (Irvine) to voice endorsement for the proposed airport (column, Dec. 9).

I myself, as an Orange County frequent air traveler, have used Los Angeles International Airport, adding to the flight pollution at LAX. So have many other Orange County fliers for many years, out of sheer necessity.

No Los Angeles County citizens have complained or shown disgust for my patronage of their huge and effective air terminal, either. They are realists and recognize the obvious logical demands of the Southern California sea of humanity and infrastructure.


The limited capacity of John Wayne Airport has long since been saturated and overburdened. The situation is well beyond the point where we should do something about adequate airport capacity. It is a case of what we have to do about it.

If, as Parsons reported, Riordan stated: “. . . Orange County is the most boring place in the country,” I can surely imagine why, if he based that comment on a visit to Irvine. There the high point of the year is the annual Christmas tree burning festival.


Costa Mesa
