
Are NBA Workers Being Exploited?


Maybe the NBA lockout is a barrel of laughs for Mark Heisler, but his columns about it are certainly a miserable read. They are so full of sarcasm, cynicism and owner-worshiping player-hating that they border on hysteria.

Has this guy ever met a pro basketball player he liked? Even M.J. is now a target of his loathing.

As a lifelong sports fan and pro-union worker, I know that pro athletes have as much catching up to do with their employers after generations of exploitation as do everyday wage earners with theirs. And when the majority of those athletes do not come from privilege just because they were born black, there is even more catching up to do.


Heisler’s columns have the sensibility of a white man born without wealth and privilege who feels cheated. So please, Times Mirror, give this guy a big fat raise so he can stop whining.



Recently, I read an article in an NBA magazine that said that with every game deleted from the Lakers’ schedule, Shaquille O’Neal loses $183,000.

I purchased two round-trip tickets to fly to New York to take in a Knicks-Dallas Mavericks game scheduled Dec. 21. It’s no problem to get my refund on the game tickets, but as far as a refund for my airline tickets, my nephew and I are out $550 of hard-earned money.

Who’s losing more? Owners and NBA players, you do the math.

KENT KISHI, San Gabriel


Basketball? Who cares? Only 12 weeks to the Daytona 500.

