
Terror investigators search lake for shooters’ electronics, hard drive

An FBI dive team searches a small San Bernardino lake near the scene of the massacre that killed 14 people. FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller says the team is searching Seccombe Lake Park.

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The FBI is searching a lake near the site of the San Bernardino massacre for electronic devices, a hard drive and other items linked to the shooters, according to law enforcement sources.

The FBI said Thursday that the agency received information suggesting the shooters were in the area. Officials would not say exactly what they were looking for, but the sources said they were searching for technology items that may have been dumped by the shooters.

Seccombe Lake is not far from the Inland Regional Center, where last Wednesday two assailants opened fire during a holiday party, killing 14 people.


Authorities say Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik had been radicalized “for quite some time” and practiced shooting at a gun range days before the massacre. But officials remain unsure what links the two had to Islamic terror groups. The couple was killed in a shootout with police.


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