
Readers React: Two Republicans running for governor

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Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, a Republican gubernatorial candidate, “owned” his remarks about immigration activists. Good for him. (“Tim Donnelly sees his business failure as asset in governor’s race,” May 21)

What he clearly refuses to own is the failure of his plastics business. Instead of taking personal responsibility, he blames the government.

It’s perfectly reasonable to disagree with the nature and scope of government taxation and regulation of business, but plenty of businesses have survived and even thrived in California.


We don’t need a governor who blames others for his own failures. Fortunately, Donnelly will not be governor.

Branden Frankel



After reading about Donnelly and his GOP rival Neel Kashkari, it is not hard to see why the Republican Party in California is in such disarray.

Kashkari has a master’s degree in business from the University of Pennsylvania, ran the Troubled Asset Relief Program and has been very successful on Wall Street.

Donnelly’s plastics business failed. Absurdly, he blames government regulations for that failure.


He does say that some of his customers relocated to other states, which caused him to lose their business. However, last time I checked, it is possible to ship products across state lines without incurring a tariff.

Donnelly is bright enough to know what buttons he can push to attract tea party followers. As an independent voter, I believe that a vibrant and competitive Republican Party is vital to California. If Donnelly actually defeats Kashkari, it will be a sad day for us all.

Gary Langer

