
Morning Fix: Upfront market gets moving. Lara Logan back at work at CBS News.

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Before the coffee. After taking a minute to remember Don Zimmer.

The Skinny: How about those Kings! I’m kidding, I missed the entire game. But hey, I’m with them in spirit unless, of course, the Rangers take Game 2. I won’t lie to you, today’s roundup is a little light on hard news. It is summer so you have to expect that some days will be slow. Still, we have the latest on the TV upfronts, and CBS News correspondent Lara Logan is back at work.

Daily Dose: The sex-abuse lawsuit against TV executive David Neuman was dropped late Wednesday when accuser Michael Egan withdrew his case from a court in Hawaii. “Today’s news affirms to everyone that David Neuman’s fine reputation deserves to stand strong and was attacked without merit,” his lawyer Patricia Glaser said in a statement. But Neuman is in no mood to say “bygones.” Glaser went on to say, “We will hold accountable those who wrongly created the hurt and damage by making outrageous, untruthful assertions that cannot be undone.”


Deal time! The upfront market, where TV networks sell advertising inventory for the new fall TV season, is starting to heat up. Thanks to its strong performance, NBC is able to charge more for ads than it did last season. Conversely, Fox’s ratings woes are presenting a challenge for it on Madison Avenue. The CW also seems to have impressed some buyers with its new fall lineup. The latest on the television upfront market from the Los Angeles Times, Variety and Advertising Age.

Back to work. Lara Logan, who was suspended last year from CBS News after the network had to back away from a “60 Minutes” report regarding the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, has quietly returned to the network. Last month, New York magazine wrote a lengthy piece suggesting Logan would not return to CBS despite the network’s insistence that she’d be back eventually. Of course, it’s one thing to bring her back to work and another thing to showcase her on the air, so we’ll just have to see how visible Logan will be. More from the Hollywood Reporter.

It’s your fault! No, it’s your fault! Netflix is starting to publicly call out Internet service providers for buffering issues. The company has started putting messages on the screen when programs take a while to stream suggesting that the provider is to blame. Verizon, which was singled out this week, fired back that Netflix is to blame for any streaming issues, not Verizon’s pipes. More from the Los Angeles Times, Re/code and New York Times.


Inside the Los Angeles Times: A delay in the release of a big movie doesn’t have the stigma it once did says Steven Zeitchik in an analysis of the delay for “Jupiter Ascending.”

Follow me on Twitter. I’d follow me if I could! @JBFlint.
