
Budweiser video depicts a worried dog to help prevent drunk driving

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People will do anything for their pets, right? How about leaving the car parked when they’ve had too much to drink?

A new Budweiser digital-only video uses a furry, four-legged friend to tug at the heart strings with an urgent reminder that it’s never worth it to get behind the wheel unless stone-cold sober.

The video was posted Friday on Budweiser’s YouTube channel. It is rapidly closing in on 7 million views, and it’s easy to see why.


It’s doggone adorable.

Plus, it’s a cute-and-furry way to remind everyone that drunk driving -- which claimed more than 10,000 lives in 2012 -- is a problem that we can put an end to right now.

The video opens up with a man welcoming home a cuddly yellow lab. The bromance unfolds in a series of sweet moments. Car rides. Summer swims. A wet-nosed wake-up call. Then, one night, the guy heads out the door with friends for a night of fun and drinking, with the ever-so-fleeting glimpse of Budweisers in tow.

The dog waits. And worries. And waits. And frets.

We won’t ruin the ending for you. But it just might break your heart.

In a good way.

The creators behind the new ad say they sought to strike “a more emotional tone” in the campaign to fight drunk driving. The ad is part of Anheuser-Busch’s 5th annual Global Be(er) Responsible Day, which was Friday. It encourages sharing the video along with the hashtag #FriendsAreWaiting, yet another reminder of who suffers when someone drinks and drives.


Now, hold on to your skepticism! Of course the new ad includes lots of product-placement moments for the brand. That includes using the iconic Budweiser red hue for the dog’s collar -- and swimwear emblazoned with the brand name. So what? I know I’m being sold to. I also know it’s a powerfully crafted package, done in a way that’s likely to be shared again and again.

And that means it’s more likely to make someone think twice about driving when they’ve had too much to drink. Cheers to that.

Am I just a sucker or did you like the ad, too? Tweet me @renelynch
