
Woman buys police officer a ‘Sorry I Tried to Bite You’ apology cake

The Daily Meal

Police officers have been getting a number of pastries recently. Not long ago a wanted man lost a Facebook bet with his local police, and he brought a dozen doughnuts and a bagel to the precinct when he turned himself in. Another police officer recently received a baked gift from a woman who brought him an apology cake that said, “Sorry I tried to bite you.”

According to Metro, Celina Dally is a criminal justice major from Lake Charles, Louisiana. She and a friend had gone to a wine tasting, and Dally tasted a bit too much. She passed out while her friend was driving her home, and her friend called the paramedics to help.

It’s not entirely clear what happened after that, but a very intoxicated Dally reportedly caused a scene and tried to bite a police officer. She woke up the next morning in a jail cell, facing charges of public intoxication and assaulting a police officer.

Dally felt very guilty about what had happened, so a few days later she showed up to bring police officer Guillory an apology cake. It was a big, frosted cookie that said, “Sorry I tried to bite you.”“Most of you DONT know lol but I was arrested on October 7th for public intoxication and also for assaulting an officer (not proud of it but it happened)” Dally wrote on Facebook. “Anyway, as most of you DO know I’m way too nice. My conscience was eating at me so I decided to find Officer Guillory (who’s super sweet btw) and apologize w a cookie cake! lol just thought I’d share w y’all.”


Dally posed for a photo with the officer and the cake, and her Facebook post was shared thousands of times. Officer Guillory looked pretty happy with the cake. It did look pretty tasty, but not as tasty as one of these 11 pies that are better than birthday cake.
