
24 hours in Halifax

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The Daily Meal

The best way to get to Fox Harb’r Resort, where I recently visited, is to fly through Halifax. Don’t waste the opportunity to check out this Canadian city that retains much of its English roots.

Spend a night or two at the Lord Nelson Hotel downtown, overlooking the Public Gardens. This historic hotel blends the English elegance of the region with contemporary comforts. The rooms are spacious and the European breakfast buffet is complete.

Have dinner at The Five Fisherman Restaurant for a truly special meal, whether you are looking for local seafood or prime meat, such as their delectable short ribs. Save room for dessert, available in half portions if you want to try a few.

The best way to see a lot of Halifax in a little time is with the Deluxe City Tour by Ambassadours Grayline. You’ll see the city’s architecture, dating back to the 18th century, as well as the Citadel, the most visited National Historical Site in Canada, guarded in similar fashion to Buckingham Palace. You will also learn about the Halifax connection to the Titanic and visit the cemetery where many of the tragedy’s victims are buried.


When the tour finishes, spend some time at the harbor front to check out the shops and food vendors. You can also visit the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. For 10 things only people from Canada say, click here.
