
Michael Sam sacks Johnny Manziel, and the world is a better place

Cleveland quarterback Johnny Manziel is sacked by St. Louis defensive end Michael Sam on Aug. 23.
(Tony Dejak / Associated Press)
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With NFL real games still way too far away, some guy who goes by the Twitter handle @SquareKnight tried to make Saturday’s Cleveland-St. Louis game a little more exciting.

He tweeted: “Rams vs Browns tonight. If Michael Sam sacks Johnny Football & gives the money sign, drinks are on me. For everyone in the world. Forever.”

Guess what happened? Yep, Sam took down Johnny Manziel, not once but twice.

Hey, feeling a little parched over here, @SquareKnight!

OK, so his promise may be a bit hard to keep. The overzealous tweeter could have just closed his Twitter account and faded into obscurity with no harm done to his financial situation, but instead he came up with a much classier solution:


“Anyone know Sam’s fave charity? So pumped he sacked JFF. If I can’t perpetually intoxicate society, I can contribute to its betterment,” he tweeted Saturday night.

The next day Sam himself joined the Twitter conversation. “I heard there was a drink offer ... In lieu of that @SquareKnight the Boys & Girls Club of Greater STL could use help!” the Rams rookie tweeted.

This time @SquareKnight was true to his word, donating a reported $500 to the charity.


Nice move on both men’s part to help a cause even more worthy than my parched throat.

Twitter: @chewkiii
