
Are Dodgers best served by the many faces of Magic Johnson?

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I’d say Magic Johnson is two-faced, but I guess it’s more like three-faced. Or maybe 223-faced. It gets so hard.

Magic, as you know, was put out there as the face of the Dodgers’ new ownership, a beloved Los Angeles sports figure come to save the locals from the dastardly reign of Frank McCourt. His big, wonderful smile everywhere. He even got a bobblehead.

Magic warned at the ownership’s introductory news conference, front-office employees best be ready to come to work at 8 a.m. every day and roll up their sleeves, because he would.


It hardly turned out that way, of course. Magic is a very busy man, doing a great many things with his own companies and with numerous national speaking engagements and charitable efforts. Not to mention his annual one-month Mediterranean vacation. Hey, Samuel Jackson needs company.

To his credit, he did finally end his NBA commentating career on ESPN, saying he no longer felt he had the time to devote to this additional career. Not that he hasn’t found other things to do.

Since then, Magic and Dodgers Chairman Mark Walter purchased the Sparks, who I’m told are a WNBA team. This, of course, immediately makes him the face of the Sparks, not that he wants to stop there.


Nope, at the Sparks news conference Wednesday he told The Times’ Melissa Rohlin he was also ready to step up and be the face of the Lakers to attract free agents. You know, trying to help fill the void of Jerry Buss.

So in addition to supposedly being the face of the Dodgers, and now clearly that of the Sparks (who I’m told are a WNBA team), and his own debt card company and cable station and some other gazillion companies he owns, he wants to be the face of the Lakers!

Hey, I like his face as well as the next person, but just possibly it’s being stretched a tad thin. Any more and it will look as if it’s being reflected back from a funhouse mirror. Just possibly he needs to focus on his major investment, which I have to think the $50 million he plunked down on the Dodgers qualifies.


Now you can kind of understand his having a difficult time letting go of his glorious Lakers past, but it is in the past. He is still listed as some unpaid nondescript vice president with the Lakers, but he sold his ownership stake. He’s no longer really involved, unless you count ripping them on Twitter.

Magic is supposed to be the Dodgers’ frontman. His celebrity and understanding of professional athletics is the main thing he brings to the table. It’s not his breaking down Madison Bumgarner’s curve.

But he is everywhere, and if you think he should be focusing attention on the Dodgers, these many faces of Magic are not a good thing. He’s Magic Johnson, owner of the Dodgers, not Sybil. And if he wants to be taken seriously as such, just maybe he should limit his faceship.
