
Watch Chris Rock grab foul ball, give it to kid at Yankees game

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Now, everybody loves Chris. At least, they did Thursday at Yankee Stadium when comedian Chris Rock grabbed a foul ball during the Yankees-Astros game and handed it to a kid sitting near him.

Rock had just been shown sitting with actor Bobby Carnevale right behind the Astros dugout when Jon Singleton lifted a foul ball in his direction. Rock leaned to catch it, then pulled away really quickly, like he just saw a mouse or something. Luckily for him, the ball landed in his seat.

Rock reached down, grabbed the ball and held it up to a rousing ovation from the crowd. He spotted a kid nearby and handed the ball to him for another ovation.


All along, he must have been hoping no one saw his lame attempt at catching it. Comedian Chris Rock would have a great time making fun of fan Chris Rock.

You can watch it all in the video above.
