
This Jameis Winston play might make us forget the Butt Fumble [Video]

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Jameis Winston might be Mark Sanchez’s favorite guy right now.

It may have taken more than two years, but Sanchez’s infamous Butt Fumble finally may have been replaced as everyone’s favorite botched football play.

In case you somehow missed it, check out what Winston did on a fourth-down play late in the third quarter Wednesday against the Oregon Ducks in the Rose Bowl (video above).

You saw correctly. Winston fell backward despite not being hit, then attempted to throw the ball, which resulted in a fumble recovery for a touchdown by Oregon’s Tony Washington.


Oregon linebacker Torrodney Prevot gave the perfect description of what happened: “It was kind of like he slipped on a banana, like in a cartoon.”

But there was no banana peel. After the game Winston had no explanation either, other than to say he was “trying to compete my butt off.”

But really there was nothing more that could really be said about it other than “it was a very unfortunate play,” a phrase used by Winston about the fumble at least three times during his postgame comments.


Of course, Winston and the Seminoles faithful might be the only ones who consider the play to be unfortunate. Naturally, social media went nuts over it, with memes and jokes aplenty. The best one, by far, incorporates Lance Stephenson’s blow into LeBron James’ ear into the play. Pure genius!

But is it all more amusing than a guy fumbling for a touchdown after crashing into his own teammate’s rear end? Well, you can be the judge of that.

Twitter: @chewkiii
