
Initial reaction to proposed NFL concussion lawsuit

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Reaction to the proposed $765-million settlement between the NFL and more than 4,500 retired players regarding concussion-related lawsuits was swift on social media and old-school media.

It came from legal, medical, financial experts and former players.

Multiple media outlets reported that the NFL has 20 years to pay out the settlement. Half is to be paid out in the first three years and the remainder the following 17 years, according to ESPN’s Darren Rovell.

“I like the sound of it. As a former player, I’ve been aware of the discussion back and forth,” said retired NFL great Barry Sanders on ESPN News on Thursday morning. Sanders is not party to the suit.


“I knew that it was a pending case and that there were strong feelings on both sides. I think it shows that, obviously the NFL they’re not admitting they didn’t reveal information about concussions. But they obviously acknowledge that it’s been an issue for a long time, you know, before it was sort of popular.

“At first blush, I love the sound of it. I think it will go a long ways with former players and even current players.”

Forbes SportsMoney (@SportsMoneyBlog) noted, via Twitter:

NFL concussion settlement ($765 million) amounts to just 2% of aggregate team values.— Forbes SportsMoney (@SportsMoneyBlog) August 29, 2013



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