
From the Archives: Arnold pumping iron

November 1975: A documentary film crew focuses on Arnold Schwarzenegger as he does a light workout at Gold's Gym in Venice before the International Federation of Bodybuilder's Mr. Olympia contest.
November 1975: A documentary film crew focuses on Arnold Schwarzenegger as he does a light workout at Gold’s Gym in Venice before the International Federation of Bodybuilder’s Mr. Olympia contest.
(Harry Chase / Los Angeles Times)

On November 9, 1975, Schwarzenegger won the Mr. Olympia crown - his sixth straight year. Then he retired from bodybuilding competition.

The documentary “Pumping Iron,” was released in 1977 and helped launch the future California governor to fame. Schwarzenegger briefly returned to bodybuilding, winning the 1980 Mr. Olympia title.

Los Angeles Times staff photographer Harry Chase photographed Schwarzenegger at Gold’s Gym in Venice just before he departed for the Mr. Olympia contest held in South Africa. This image was published as part of a Sunday View bodybuilding article by Times staff writer Jim Stingley published on Nov. 16, 1975.


Of course - Schwarzenegger was the central bodybuilder profiled in the article.

This post was originally published on Sep. 23, 2010.

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