
Unregistered Cars to Be Sweep Target


The Los Angeles Police Department is planning a one-day sweep of San Fernando Valley streets in which unregistered cars will be impounded and drivers without licenses will be arrested, authorities said Monday.

Police would not reveal what day Operation ALERT--short for Area License Enforcement Registration Teams--will take to the streets, but they promised it would be “soon.”

Lt. Joseph Garcia of the Valley Bureau said about 150 officers working in patrol teams will target the motor vehicle violations. Similar operations in previous years have netted up to 200 impounded cars and resulted in 100 arrests, he said.


“These will be roving patrols all over the Valley,” Garcia said.

The operation is designed to make its biggest impact by removing abandoned cars from the streets and eliminating hit-and-run accidents.

Garcia said police experience shows that many motorists without proper licenses or registrations flee after accidents rather than face the additional penalties for driving without the proper credentials.

“We hope this impacts that,” Garcia said. “We want people who are not licensed or have expired registration to comply” by either updating their licenses and registrations or not driving if their licenses have been revoked or suspended.

Police said the operation was announced ahead of time to give motorists time to get licenses and registrations.

On the day of the sweep, the department will deploy mobile jail operations in which those arrested can be quickly booked and released, Garcia said. The field jails will operate like those used during police sweeps for drunk drivers.

Garcia said Operation ALERT is a component of the department’s Sparkle campaign, which involves several strategies for enhancing life in the Valley.
