
A tough goodbye

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I can certainly understand Vin Scully’s desire to retire, but could he consider the following?

Ten games a year, Vin sits at home and watches the TV monitor and provides play by play. This would be vastly superior to the work anyone currently in the Dodgers’ TV or radio broadcast booth is providing.

And should the Dodgers make the 2010 World Series, Fox’s Joe Buck needs to step aside, and let Vin go out in style.


Ed Kaz

Oak Park


Let’s not wait for the Dodgers to honor Vin Scully. Starting now, at the end of the third inning of every game, let’s give Vinny a standing ovation! He deserves it.

John Mark

Newport Beach


Bill Plaschke is right that the Dodgers need to find a way to honor Vin Scully. But just as important is to find a new announcer who can bring the excitement to us by painting a word picture of the game. It is unlikely that anyone will ever reach the heights that Vin has, but the current announcing teams are not the answer. An announcer who knows the game and loves the game and respects the history of the game is what the Dodgers need.

Jay Slater

Los Angeles


The Dodgers get thrashed by St. Louis, 10-0, and your featured story about the team is headlined “Scully salute needs to be a grand slam,” with the game story being buried on Page 5. You people are becoming bigger homers than those two babbling clowns who do the Dodgers’ road telecasts, or even Steiner and Monday.


The irony to this is that one of the main reasons Vin Scully is so widely admired is precisely because he is not a homer.

Bart Robertson

