
Readers React: With a homelessness crisis in L.A., now’s not the time for Mayor Garcetti to campaign for president

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti walks with Mayor Steve Benjamin and University of South Carolina president Harris Pastides in Columbia, S.C., on Feb. 22.
(Jenny Jarvie / For The Times)
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To the editor: Thanks to the Los Angeles Times for addressing the city’s homelessness problem and calling it what it really is: a national disgrace. (“Los Angeles’ homelessness crisis is a national disgrace,” editorial, Feb. 25)

Not a single person in the city, the county or the entire Los Angeles region would disagree with your assessment.

And while we all sit back and watch the crises continue to grow, Mayor Eric Garcetti, apparently campaigning for higher office, is out making speeches in South Carolina, spending less time than he should trying to end the catastrophe in his own backyard.


Just shameful.

Mario Rochin, Studio City


To the editor: Though the brilliantly written clarion call that was this Sunday’s full-page editorial about the staggering homelessness crisis in this city and county was years late in coming, it was heartening to see it there blazing with urgency.

This is not the job of just politicians and social workers to face and overcome; it is the responsibility of every single citizen to get involved in whatever meaningful way we can. Any society that allows so many of our fellow humans to suffer so badly is morally bankrupt and cruel.


Let’s each of us become part of the solution.

Walter Dominguez, Los Angeles


To the editor: I am guilty of looking the other way, of rolling up my windows from downtown Los Angeles to Beverly Hills and West L.A. I have become irritated, disgusted and angry.

Sunday’s editorial should make those of us that have looked the other way feel a sense of guilt.


We have elected people to office to take care of these issues, and they have failed us. We have failed for not doing our part.

We need leadership to give us all direction of what each of us can do.

Thank you, Times Editorial Board.

Daniel S. Mitrovich, Culver City


To the editor: I wonder how many of your print readers glanced, horrified at the headline and the grim pictures of your editorial, and simply closed the Main News section and picked up the Calendar or Arts and Books section while putting such grim realism immediately to one side.

I was one of those readers, but I finally forced myself to go back and read your excellent and heart-wrenching editorial.

Good God, what does it take to give a helping hand, rather than a buck here and there, or to force our “thoughts and prayers” politicians to do something, anything, worthwhile?

Charles Ruebsamen, Rancho Cucamonga


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