
Letters: In the NBA, the King doesn’t have the crown

Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James speaks to the media after losing to the Golden State Warriors in the NBA Finals.

Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James speaks to the media after losing to the Golden State Warriors in the NBA Finals.

(Jason Miller / Getty Images)
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The irrational exuberance over the Warriors’ victory over LeBron and the four dwarfs is embarrassing. The fact is not a single player on Golden State’s roster, including Stephen Curry, could start on the Showtime Lakers, the ‘80s Celtics or the Jordan Bulls.

Mark S. Roth

Los Angeles


Congratulations to Steve Kerr, the Golden State Warriors and the 2015 NBA Finals MVP, Andre Iguodala, who held his defensive assignment to 36 points, 13 rebounds, and nine assists a game.

William David Stone

Beverly Hills


I’m glad to say that it’s a kinder and gentler world we live in today, as evidenced by LeBron James’ performance in the NBA Finals. Not too long ago, if a player dominated the number of shots taken, time of possession, and scoring, everyone would be criticizing them for not being a team player, and calling them selfish. But, in today’s more understanding universe, that type of player is praised and considered to be the best player in basketball.


Dennis Butkovich

North Hills


Who would have thought that Shaun Livingston would get a ring before the Clippers?

David Newfield


The hackers

I realize Bill Plaschke is paid to entertain and stimulate controversy but his latest on the Cardinals’ hacking — completely unfounded, refuted in advance by one of his alleged victims, Clayton Kershaw — simply has no basis in reality and is the kind of whining one expects from lesser minds.

The “it could have happened” in the face of zero evidence, or “maybe it happened” but with nothing to connect his fantasy to reality, reminds me of something coming from Donald Trump or Fox News.


Jim B. Parsons

Canyon Lake


I have a suggestion for Bill Plaschke: Rather than resort to this sort of gibberish to write a column, substitute a “Best of Plaschke” using his top old columns. This would give him at least three columns to fall back on.

Bert Bergen

La Cañada

The blues

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know the Dodgers are in big trouble. Even though they are in first place and may somehow stay there until the end of the season, they’re not going past the first round of the playoffs. They have a hard time beating any team with a .500 record. Moves need to be made, now, before it’s too late, starting with the manager.


I can hear it now after they get beat in the playoffs: “We’ll get ‘em next year.” Sadly the distance between the 1988 World Series and another World Series championship continues to grow with no end in sight.

Paul Kessler

Los Angeles


Are the Dodgers contenders or pretenders? I’m thinking pretenders, and here’s why.

A starting rotation that has trouble getting past the fifth or sixth inning.

A bullpen made of middle-inning, cast-off bottom feeders.

A shortstop whose career is over.

Joc Pederson leading off.

Hitters swinging at first pitches rather than waiting for the opposing pitcher to throw strikes.

Puig ... enough said.

A team that cannot beat the Cardinals or Giants. Oh, and by the way, the path to the World Series will go through St. Louis and San Francisco.

Albert Viola

Porter Ranch


Now that Bud Black has been fired, the Dodgers have an alternative to the underachieving Don Mattingly.

The Dodgers’ baserunning has been horrible this year — it seems every game someone is thrown out due to poor decision-making by either player or third base coach, or both — and is an example of poor leadership.

There is no learning from the errors and no improvement in the overall coaching of this team.


Steve Owen

San Diego


Interesting and sad that no Dodgers are in the lead for the All-Star team even though we have one of the best teams in baseball. But what would one expect when 70% of the fans are shut out from even watching their team play?

Ronnie DeCesare


Open and shut

Has there ever been poorer coverage of a major golf tournament than this U.S. Open? Fox and the USGA should be embarrassed. I’m sure somewhere Dan Hicks, Johnny Miller and the entire NBC golf crew are chuckling to themselves.

Richard Whorton

Studio City

I think USGA setup man Mike Davis must have forgotten a couple of things when he gave his input for the U.S. Open site. The only holes missing at Chambers Bay are the windmill hole, the anthill hole and the clown’s mouth hole.

Heaven help the poor amateur golfers who play this course.

Frank Tierheimer



What a disappointment to see such a treeless, greenless golf course! Chambers Bay looks like something like a very bad outer-space movie.

Carol Marshall



For years I’ve prayed that I could be able to play golf like Tiger Woods.

Unfortunately for me and Tiger, my prayers have finally been answered.

Robert Cummings

View Park

Money ball


Mr. Plaschke, the reason the Women’s World Cup and the Men’s World Cup are “treated differently” [June 14] is not a gender issue, it is an economic issue. All you need to look at is this: The last Men’s World Cup in Brazil recorded $1.4 billion in advertising revenue and the last Women’s World Cup in Germany recorded $5.8 million. Although the United States continues to make social advances for equality, whether it is good or bad, dollars still speak louder than words.

Don Giudice


No-go on logo

Rather than the Clippers’ new redesigned logo, which is pretty much an updated version of their old one, I would suggest a complete make-over including name change and colors. But I guess they figured, why mess with success?

Michael Gray

Yorba Linda


“Bold, edgy and powerful?” I’ve looked at the new Clippers logo while closing my right eye, then my left, held it up close and then looked from way across the room, and all I see are two things: “Simple, safe and round” and lots of new jersey and T-shirt sales.

Mike Kichaven

Sherman Oaks

Quick hits

So if the Kings win their third Stanley Cup in five seasons next June (unlike other franchises that require six seasons to do that) are they greater than a dynasty? A monarchy?


Luke Lederman

North Hollywood


With the Sparks opening the season without stars Candace Parker (resting) and Kristi Toliver (playing in Slovakia), it gives new meaning to WNBA: Will Not Be Available. Pity the fans who purchased season tickets.

Paul Newmark

Pacific Palisades


After reading about all the infighting taking place within the Carson City Council, I see now that it really is an ideal location for the Raiders. Go Rams!

David Weber

West Hollywood


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