
Judge issues restraining order barring Charlie Sheen from contact with his sons

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A judge has issued a temporary restraining order stripping “Two and a Half Men” star Charlie Sheen of contact with his two youngest children and barring him from coming within 100 yards of his estranged wife.

The action by Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Hank Goldberg on Tuesday came after Sheen’s estranged wife, Brooke Mueller, filed a declaration chock full of accusations against the actor that might have made jaws drop a month ago but now seemed merely a confirmation of the bizarre and menacing behavior on display in his nonstop media appearances.

“I am very concerned that [Sheen] is currently insane,” Mueller wrote in the declaration, which included numerous claims of criminal conduct, such as allegations that the actor discussed using child-support money to “knock off” enemies and that he threatened to stab her in the eye with a pen knife.


Los Angeles police said they were not investigating the accusations and considered the matter one for family court.

Police were summoned to Sheen’s home Tuesday night, when his twin toddler sons were handed over to Mueller but officers did not participate in the exchange. A hearing is set for March 22. Lawyers for Mueller and Sheen did not immediately return calls for comment.

Sheen told reporters at an impromptu, predawn news conference outside his home Wednesday that the restraining order “came out of the bleachers” and addressed his 2-year-old sons, Bob and Max, saying, “You are in my heart and I love you.”


Among Mueller’s allegations about Sheen:

•He threatened to kill her repeatedly, including Sunday night when he told her, “I will cut your head off, put it in a box and send it to your mom!”

•In a text, he called his manager, Mark Berg, a “stoopid jew pig” and talked about killing him.

•He told airplane passengers during a recent trip to the Bahamas that he hated his former wife, actress Denise Richards, and was going to “have her head shaved.”


•He told Mueller during a rant in the Bahamas, “I’m untouchable! I’m Charlie Sheen! I’m more famous than Obama!”

Mueller and Sheen separated after a domestic violence incident in 2009 in Aspen, Colo., but she and their children moved back into the actor’s home a few months ago, a decision Mueller described as “a big mistake” in her declaration. According to the filing, Sheen shares the home with a porn star and a girlfriend.

Mueller, who like Sheen has struggled with addiction, acknowledged that she “fell off the wagon” last week “in conjunction with [Sheen’s] girlfriend.” She said she was too afraid to return to her Los Angeles home.

Sheen pleaded guilty to misdemeanor third-degree assault after the Aspen incident, in which Mueller told authorities that he threatened her with a knife at their holiday home.

In her new allegations, Mueller revealed it was not the first incident. In October 2009, she alleged that Sheen “knocked me to the floor, causing me to hit my head on the corner of a couch. I was knocked unconscious and required medical attention, including a CAT scan.”
