
Former mascot sues ESPN, Mississippi State in cart incident

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A former Mississippi State cheerleader is suing the university and ESPN after suffering injuries while dressed as the school's mascot, Bully.

According to the lawsuit filed Monday in U.S. District Court in Aberdeen, Michaela Mills seeks more than $75,000 in damages in connection with a 2013 football field incident in which an ESPN golf cart ran over her leg, the Clarion-Ledger reported.

In the suit, Mills claims the costume limited her ability to see and that the cart's driver and spotter failed to watch where the vehicle was going and to provide a warning that she was in its path. She is suing for negligence.

The suit said Mills suffered a compound fracture that required two surgeries, one of which placed a rod in her leg, and that she still experiences pain from the injury.

In addition, the Clarion-Ledger reported, she is seeking compensation for great fright and shock and loss of enjoyment of life.
