
Holland Clears a Hurdle : Football: Six months after surgery for cervical fusion, former Green Bay linebacker gets medical clearance to play again. Next decision is left toPackers.

From Associated Press

Green Bay Packers linebacker Johnny Holland has been cleared for full contact by the neurosurgeon who performed cervical fusion surgery on him six months ago.

Holland’s next go-ahead to play rests with the Packers, who must determine if he is in peak physical condition. The Packers must also sign Holland, who is an unrestricted free agent. Negotiations are ongoing.

“The only way to know he can take a hit with his head is to get him in maximum football condition and put him out there,” Dr. Bob Watkins of the Kerlan-Jobe Clinic in Los Angeles told the Green Bay Press-Gazette. “There’s really no other way to test it.”


Holland, 28, said he’s close to being in top shape and hopes to be in training camp when it opens July 14. He said his neck size is 17 3/4 inches, only a quarter-inch less than it was before surgery. He said he’s bench-pressing 300-pound reps at a level equal to that of 1992.

“The neck is ready for contact,” Holland said. “I’m sure they’re going to want me to take a physical and test me to see what kind of shape I’m in before we do something. I can’t say for sure I’ll be back (in Green Bay), but hopefully I’ll be there.”

Watkins examined Holland last week and determined the fusion is solid. He said the fusion increases the risk of injury because it reduces the neck’s flexibility, thereby placing additional pressure on other joints.

“There is a slight increased chance of injury because it puts added strain at other levels, but that was part of the decision from the very beginning. We still think it’s safe if he has a solid fusion, which he does,” Watkins said.

Holland, entering his seventh season, said he has dealt with the psychological side of his injury, which initially was feared to be career-threatening.

“I’ve got it all behind me. I’m not worried at all. I’ve coped with it and I’m just looking forward to getting back on the field,” he said.


Holland was injured last December in a victory over Houston when his helmet was hit by a teammate as he was making a tackle. He stayed on his knees for about a minute and sat out just one play, returning to make 13 more tackles. Holland said at the time he felt a tingling sensation in his neck.
