
Indurain Seeks Third Title in Row as Tour de France Starts Today


Miguel Indurain of Spain will be shooting for his third consecutive title when the world’s most famous bicycle race, the Tour de France, begins today with a prologue at Puy de Fuy in western France.

Indurain also is attempting to make history by becoming the first cyclist to win the Tour de France and Tour of Italy two years in a row. He won both last year, and last month dominated in winning the Italian tour.

Indurain will be challenged by Italian riders Gianni Bugno and Claudio Chiappucci, who have chased him the last two years. Bugno was second in 1991, third last year. Chiappucci, the Tour’s best climber the last two years, was third and second.


With Greg LeMond sidelined because of medical problems, Andy Hampsten, fourth last year, and rookie Lance Armstrong are the United States’ best hopes.

The Tour follows a 2,312-mile clockwise route around France, ending July 25 in Paris. The major points of interest include time trials July 12 in eastern France and July 24 south of Paris, three mountain stages in the Alps July 14-16, and three mountain stages in the Pyrenees July 19 and July 21-22.
