
Michigan QB Devin Gardner: ‘I’ve been called the N-word so many times’

Michigan quarterback Devin Gardner looks to pass against Penn State on Oct. 11.
(Gregory Shamus / Getty Images)
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Michigan quarterback Devin Gardner estimates he has received 1,000 negative comments via social media this year.

And when he says “negative,” Gardner means about as negative as a comment can get.

“I’ve been called the N-word so many times this year,” Gardner told the Detroit News.

It’s been a tough year for both Michigan and Gardner, although he has been playing better the last few weeks after briefly losing his starting role to Shane Morris against Minnesota.


Gardner says he would have been fine with some criticism, but some people just went way too far.

“One guy told me I was the N-word, and said I know N-words can’t play quarterback. And I was like, are we not past this?” Gardner said. “Say what you want about my skill, but come on.”

While those kinds of comments are inexcusable, Gardner doesn’t seem to be the type to let it get to him. A regular attendee at Bible study and prayer groups, the fifth-year senior says a certain scripture passage, James 1:2-4, has been coming up that has helped him through a lot of adversity this year.


“It says to counter with joy any time you face adversity,” Gardner said.

Twitter: @chewkiii
