
Take a look at the Clippers’ credo, a document crafted by Steve Ballmer

New Clippers owner Steve Ballmer reacts during a preseason game against the Phoenix Suns on Oct 22.
New Clippers owner Steve Ballmer reacts during a preseason game against the Phoenix Suns on Oct 22.
(Mark J. Terrill / Associated Press)
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Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is making his presence known as the new Clippers owner.

The eccentric tech tycoon has crafted a team credo, and let’s just say that it’s hard core.

Even more hard core than Ballmer, attending his first Clippers home game, cheering so loudly from his baseline seat near the Clippers bench during an exhibition against Phoenix that reporters sitting about 20 rows up, near midcourt, could hear him.

So hard core, in fact, that Ballmer used the words ‘hard core’ six times.

Here’s a copy of the credo, obtained by The Times.


Clippers Credo


The Clippers will inspire Clipper Nation with our hard core commitment to be the best and constantly improve. That is our guiding principle on and off the court. We are the Clippers: high character, tough, committed, and HARD CORE.

Our Values

Commitment. We are driven by commitment: to win, to do things the right way, to our team, fans, and community and our ultimate commitment to be the best. We give 100% and more at all times. We do the hard things with all our heart and do them the right way.


Character. We stand for doing things the right way. We approach everything we do with conviction and intensity. And, we conduct ourselves with the highest degree of integrity and show the utmost respect for our fans, our community, our teammates and our competitors.

Community. “We are one” with our community on a mission to make us all champions. We work to enable our drive and desire to benefit our communities, especially where the needs are greatest.

How We Do It


Winning. We have been remarkably successful but are absolutely dedicated to improving our game.

Leadership. Our leaders and our team culture are as hard core committed as anyone in the NBA.

Toughness. We play all-out, committed, competitive basketball. Nothing will be easy for our opponents. Off the court, we have shown the highest character and commitment even during tough circumstances.

Fan Dedication. We are dedicated to connect deeply with our fans (from the casual to the hard core) providing the most excitement and information in the arena, on television, and over the Internet.

Teamwork. We work together absolutely. And yet each must also strive to be a star within their own role as well. We believe: “I am because you are. I can’t be all I can be unless you are all you can.”

Community Involvement. We give back more to our community through our time, support, and resources. We galvanize others to invest with us in giving kids opportunities to develop and succeed.

Communications. We communicate regularly as a team on the court and with our fans and other community constituents. We are open and respectful but relentless in helping others improve. We will be as respectful in our private communications as in our public efforts.

We are the Clippers. This is Clipper Nation. And we are hard core.


We are inspired by basketball fans, but especially hard core fans and people who respect and admire high energy, high work ethic that goes into great sports. We love Los Angeles and our core of long-time fans. We welcome them, our growing base of new fans, and fans around the US and the world to our exciting journey. We will not disappoint.
