
Tim Tebow, Mark Sanchez, Rex Ryan: Who will be a Jet longest? [poll]

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Tim Tebow is on his second team in three NFL seasons. He’s backing up Mark Sanchez, who has worn out his welcome with some New York Jets fans after a shaky season. And Coach Rex Ryan will have a lot of explaining to do if this whole quarterback situation doesn’t work out.

OK, that sounded kind of negative, didn’t it? Sorry about that. It really is possible that Ryan’s plan of Sanchez remaining the starting quarterback but with Tebow taking as many as 20 snaps a game -- and possibly serving in other roles on offense as well -- could work out brilliantly.

Sanchez could return to the winning ways of his first two NFL seasons, during which he led the Jets to back-to-back AFC championship games. Tebow could thrive in that limited role, which would presumably play to his strengths and downplay his weaknesses as a quarterback. And Ryan would look like a genius.

But it is also a possibility that things could go horribly wrong for one or more of the parties involved. What if Sanchez continues to struggle? How long until the Tebowmaniacs come out of the woodwork to boo his every move? What if Ryan refuses to give in to Tebow’s boisterous supporters? Or what if he does and Tebow fails to deliver?

It kind of sounds like make or break for both quarterbacks and their coach, too. If it works, all three will be embraced by the New York fans and media. If it doesn’t, then who knows what the future holds for all three men -- you’ve got to think someone would take the fall for such a mess. Should be interesting to say the least.

How do you think it will all play out? Vote in the poll, then let us know why you voted the way you did.


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