
USC President’s Brunch Precedes Stanford Game

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Times Staff Writer

The President’s Brunch will go forward Saturday in Town and Gown before the USC/Stanford football game in the Coliseum, but, alas, Dr. James H. Zumberge, USC’s president, is recovering from surgery (he has a good prognosis and is recovering nicely), and will be absent.

Ironically, the brunch focuses on health affairs. Dr. Joseph P. Van Der Meulen, vice president for Health Affairs and dean of the USC School of Medicine, will outline for luncheon guests the university’s plans to meet regional health needs of the 1990s. USC has embarked upon a partnership with National Medical Enterprises to build a University Hospital and expand research, and John Bedrosian, executive of Enterprises, will also chat.

Acceptances are heavy: Dr. and Mrs. Simon Ramo, William Keck II, the Charles Reeds, the Carl Hartnacks, Jilliene Bolker, California Supreme Court Justice Malcolm Lucas and Atty. Gen. John Van de Kamp and their wives; the Grant Coopers, the Charles Reeds, the Roy A. Andersons, Katherine Bentley, the Joseph Coulombes, the Jack K. Hortons, the Herbert G. Kleins, the Ted Tollners, Norman Topping and many more.


The Treasures and Trivia Sale, that annual mound of merchandise sale by the Pasadena Guild of Childrens Hospital, begins Oct. 25 and continues through Oct. 27 at the old Home Laundry red brick monument at 432 S. Arroyo Parkway in Pasadena.

Kelsey Hall and Bobbie Guglielmo have gathered and sorted antiques, furniture, silver, china, books, designer garb and knicks and numerous knacks most of the year with their treasure henchmen: Judy McGilvray, Sally Boyle, Joni Baker, Pat Sinclair. Guild president Bobbie Galpin has egged them on.

Admission is free. And all proceeds go to endow a chair in pediatric reconstructive surgery at the hospital, according to Shirley Struble. Should you have a wonder to donate, call (818) 792-GIVE.


Tony Award-winning actor/comedian Charles Nelson Reilly will be master of ceremonies for the Work Training Programs Inc. sixth annual Steps to Independence fund-raising luncheon and auction Sunday at the Beverly Wilshire. Tickets are $75.

Good leadership, obviously. “Hearts of Gold,” Immaculate Heart Auxiliary’s major luncheon Oct. 30 is expected to draw 800, double the first event. Auxiliary President Mrs. John Poyer and Mrs. William Pistey, benefit chairman, are coordinating details for the party at the Sheraton-Universal.

Nordstrom will present fashion.

Among board members planning tables are Mmes. Eugene Calhoun, Donald Ferguson, Bernard McDermott, Wyman Tremblay, Hugh Ward, Patrick Fitzpatrick, William T. Huston, Edward Loftus, Roland Seidler, Roland Seidler Jr., Josephine Wayne, John Poyer, William Nardi, Eugene Polito, Raymond Dion, Marian Fine, James Burnett, Robert Stanton, Barney Sheridan, Cosmos Bolger, William Murphy, Paul Riley, Robert Beglinger and Joseph Regan.


Purpose is to assist in the care of the elderly and infirm Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Abundant festivities surround the opening concert Saturday evening of the Pasadena Symphony.

Symphony Assn. board member Barbara Allen is chairman of the elegant dinner board members attend pre-concert at La Couronne. Symphony Juniors will host their own cocktail reception at the home of Dennis and Susan Ferguson. Pasadena Rotary members will dine at Beckham’s Place at festivities planned by past-symphony president Tony Phillips.

Post-concert Music Director Jorge Mester will lay down his baton and buzz over to the Simon Estate (designed by architect Wallace Neff) in Pasadena to greet season ticket holders for celebration, glorious desserts and dancing by the starlit pool. There, too, will be Dr. John Tarr, board president, and gala chairman and symphony board member Millicent Fishbein-Reynolds.

Fifteen 8-year-olds at Oakwood School made tacos and sold them to raise $500 for the Red Cross earthquake relief in Mexico City.

Update: Brandon Tartikoff, president of NBC Entertainment, will present TV star Michael Landon with the first “The Rev. Kenneth D. Higginbotham Sr. Award” sponsored by the Good Shepherd Hospice at the black-tie dinner Oct. 24 at the Century Plaza Hotel Towers.


With deepest sympathy, the Assistance League of Pasadena invites its friends to “The Deadly Affair” on Saturday evening at Castle Green. Costumed, they’ll offer deadly potions, tantalizing treats (or tricks), mayhem, magicians and mimes. OK, adults have to play, and Mrs. Harry Hugasian, president, and Mrs. David A. Destino, vice president and affair chairman, lead the troops for the California House Senior Service Center.

The League of Women Voters of Los Angeles Education Fund is new and obsessed with Hollywood fantasy for its first fund-raiser, “An Evening in Screenland,” Friday evening at Century Fox Studio.

Jeraldine Saunders, Patte Barham Boyne, Jean Doran, Bernice Roos all host high tea Sunday in Fremont Place for the World Wide Research Assn. Inc.

Big pockets for chips, loose change and good-luck charms are advised for the Monte Carlo Night the Los Angeles Center for Photographic Studies plans Saturday at the G. Ray Hawkins Gallery, 7224 Melrose Ave.

A $75 ticket gives you $2,000 in chips.

Robert Heinecken, artist, contemporary photography, raconteur, bon vivant and gaming expert will be on hand, and one prize, is a Heinecken print.

Geoff Yarema is chairman of the board of the center, supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.


Navy Belles honored the president of the Navy League of the United States, Bernard Bennett of Palm Beach, Fla., at a luncheon Wednesday at the Riviera Country Club. It was a bienvenidos hosted by Marcella Wallace of Mexico City and local members Virginia Goodnight and Harriet Weaver Vasque, both former residents of Mexico City where Bennett was in business for years.

The Bank of Los Angeles and its chairman Sheldon W. Andelson continue the bank’s art program and hosted a reception this month to introduce new president and chief executive office, Gerald S. Weisstein, and exhibit the works of 10 artists assembled by curator Janet Karatz. Among them are Joan Burnham, Donald Jackson, Barry Campion and Randall Lavender.

Vivian Webb School plans to double enrollment next year with a new residence center for 64 boarders. It was a major topic last week when the Friends of Vivian Webb Shool celebrated their sixth annual dinner benefit.

Dr. and Mrs. Loren Zachary hosted cocktails for members of the “Die Fledermaus Ball” Committee and ball patrons Sunday evening. Saturday night she co-chairs the ball, where co-chairman Mrs. Howard Freedland will display her collection of ball masques and guests will arrive as costumed historical characters in the personages of Austria’s Emperor Franz Joseph and Empress Elisabeth, Prince Metternich, Prince Orlofsky, et al.

The Darrell McDaniel Independent Living Center Inc. will further aid the physically and sensory disabled at its awards banquet Friday at the Airtel Plaza Hotel in Van Nuys. Attorney John H. Craig III is president of the directors.
