
Maryland Governor Not Optimistic : Pro football: Schaefer says weekend meeting with Ram officials did not encourage him about team’s possible move.

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Maryland Gov. William Donald Schaefer said a recent meeting with Ram officials left him less optimistic that the team will move to Baltimore.

“I didn’t leave with any more encouragement than when I left here. I’m not as optimistic as when I left,” Schaefer said Thursday.

Schaefer, during remarks to reporters and in his weekly radio show, also said he’s not giving up the effort. These were his first public comments since returning from a West Coast trip, which included a visit with Ram officials Sunday.


Oriole owner Peter Angelos, who is trying to buy a minority stake in the Rams and move them here, arranged and attended the meeting.

Angelos said he did not come away from the meeting any less optimistic, but acknowledged the Rams have concerns about a Baltimore move.

“I think there were certain concerns raised regarding litigation, but these are concerns raised whenever a franchise movement is contemplated. I think the economics we are offering will overcome those concerns,” Angelos said.


On Monday, Angelos met with Raider owner Al Davis, who thwarted the league when he moved the team from Oakland over the objections of the other owners. Angelos said he was seeking the support and advice of Davis.

Meanwhile, former Philadelphia Eagle owner Norman Braman, who sold his team this year, is a friend of Ram executive vice president John Shaw and called him in advance of the governor’s meeting to encourage him to consider moving to Baltimore, Schaefer said.

“There are a whole lot of obstacles,” Schaefer said. Among the problems he cited: opposition to Baltimore from NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue and Washington Redskin owner Jack Kent Cooke.


Schaefer said Ram attorneys at Sunday’s meeting cited a number of contingencies that could arise with a move to Baltimore--some of which wouldn’t be a factor in a move to St. Louis.

“St. Louis is our main rival, and Tagliabue supports them over us,” Schaefer said.

NFL spokesman Greg Aiello denied the commissioner has worked against Baltimore. “He doesn’t have a preference,” Aiello said.
