
Broncos star isn’t a mile high about city

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Call it a new negotiating tactic.

A police report involving Denver Broncos Pro Bowl wide receiver Brandon Marshall recently emerged in which he voiced his displeasure with the Broncos to police who pulled him over two years ago on suspicion of driving under the influence.

ABC7 reported on the findings Tuesday night, and it is timely because he has recently asked for a trade.

“I hate Denver. I hope to get traded. I hate this city,” an officer quoted Marshall as saying in the police report.


It’s not exactly an endorsement worthy of printing on a postcard.

Trivia time

Who was the first player to wear a pair of shorts at Wimbledon?

Wardrobe malfunction

The Jaked 01 swimsuit is supposed to help swimmers break records, not cause them to break down and cry.

But that’s what happened Wednesday when Italian Olympic swimmer Flavia Zoccari had to sit out the 200-meter race at the Mediterranean Games after a bathing suit split.

The swimmer covered herself before bursting into tears.

So much for the manufacturers bragging that the full-body swimsuit was “more than skin.”

Romo bets Woods in golf and loses

Blame Tony Romo’s loss on Jessica Simpson’s being in attendance.

Or that Romo was in Redskins country. Or that Romo’s playoff record with the Dallas Cowboys suggests he doesn’t have what it takes to win.


Or you can just chalk it up to the fact that Tiger Woods is the world’s best golfer.

The two played together Wednesday in Bethesda, Md., at the celebrity pro-am at Woods’ host tournament, AT&T; National.

While it isn’t surprising Woods won, it is surprising Romo wagered with Woods in a game the latter does better than anyone else.

Hey, at least Romo didn’t fumble at the 18th hole. “Added to my spending fund, which was nice,” Woods later said.


Trivia answer

Henry Wilfred “Bunny” Austin in 1933, when he reached the quarterfinals. Austin later said, “I found sweat-sodden cricket flannels were weighing me down, so my tailor ran up some prototype shorts.”

And finally

Romo wasn’t the only one to catch heat for appearing at Congressional Country Club for the pro-am round at AT&T; National.

The Washington Post’s Dan Steinberg blames the host for allowing Romo to be a playing partner.

“It should be a mark that never leaves Tiger’s resume, no matter how many times he says he loves D.C.”

