
Angels get some papal props on social media

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The Angels’ postseason run hasn’t even started but already there’s good news.

The Guardian (@guardianworld) tweeted out today, “I believe in angels, says Pope Francis — and they help you make right decisions https://

Good news for Mike Scioscia. The Pope was probably not referring to the baseball team, but it can’t hurt.

Other fans, like @mk9577, are praying to a different source.

“Dear baseball gods,” he said, “Please let the @Angels score lots of runs and win big tonight !!”


Then there’s fans like @mitchm33 who will just be happy if the roads are clear. “@Angels I hope traffic from LA is not too bad so I can make it in time for tonight’s game.”

Some are just ready for the games to strart.

“I’m so excited for postseason baseball that I literally can’t even right now,” tweeted @jakemhutton. Dying. Like literally.

You can tell @KryssAnderson is excited to see Mike Trout in his first playoff game.

“@Angels Can we get @Trouty20 back in a game ASAP???” wrote @KryssAnderson “The guy still has satellites to knock out of the sky… #Halos.”


But be carful about those satellites — @mitchm33 is going to need some GPS to avoid the traffic.

It seems the Angels hype has even reached high school economics classes.

@cuenca_joseph tweeted “Mr. Vander Veen discussing Opportunity Costs/Trade-Offs: “Would you rather go to the Angels game or stay home and get punched in the face.”

Doesn’t seem like a very difficult question, though.

Speaking of going to the game, any Angels fans looking to make the trip to Kansas City better start saving up.


“After 29-year wait, Royals games become most expensive playoff ticket,” tweeted ESPN’s @darrenrovell.

Grantland’s Ben Lindbergh broke down the series, and showed every hitter in the Angels lineup produces more runs than the average league hitter: From @Grantland33:

“ALDS Preview: Breaking Down Tigers vs. Orioles and Royals vs. Angels, by @BenLindbergh.

Jon Morosi of FOX Sports 1 and the MLB Network is picking the Royals. Here’s the tweets from @jonmorosi:

“One reason I am picking #Royals over #Angels in ALDS: Angels pitching staff includes only two LHPs vs. Royals, who are better vs. RHP.”

“Plus, as a general rule, lefties have an easier time holding runners at first base. And we saw what happened for #Royals Tuesday night.”


The key could be something more banal. One Angels fan wants to make sure the team is drinking plenty of fluids.

@TheZubias tweeted, “@Trouty20 @PujolsFive @thejoshhamilton @KoleCalhoun @Freeser6 @PandaCrusher35 @Angels . Keep Hydrated! GO HALOS! #RedOctober.”

And the fans can help out too, according to Gordon Beckham (@gordonbeckham): “Get loud tonight Halo fans!!!”

Twitter: @zhelfand
