
Did Jack Nicholson really snub two kids at Clippers game? [Video]

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Jack Nicholson may not be as cool as he thinks he is.

First of all, is it cool for the most famous Lakers fan of all time to be sitting courtside at a Clippers playoff game, like Nicholson was Thursday night? Way to show your undying support after the most difficult of seasons.

Next, it is not cool to leave somebody hanging when they are trying to shake your hand, high-five you or whatever. Everyone knows that.

And finally, it definitely is not cool to blow off a couple of kids who seem pretty psyched to see you and just want to say hi and shake your hand.


Check out the video above. That definitely is Nicholson at a Clippers game, no getting around that one.

As far as snubbing the kids, well, you can decide for yourself if that was intentional or not. Looks very possible that Nicholson may have been absorbed in trying to find his seat.

But try explaining that to those disappointed young lads. Poor guys.
