
The Takeaway wrap: Obama’s ‘Between Two Ferns’ visit and CPAC

L.A. Times columnist Robin Abcarian gives video journalist Ann Simmons her take on President Obama’s decision to appear with Zach Galifianakis, on conservative pundit Ann Coulter, and on Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s popularity.

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In this week’s video roundup of the Takeaway blog:

What was President Obama doing when he appeared on the satiric Web-only talk show “Between Two Ferns,” with actor/comedian Zach Galifianakis? Turns out the president was shilling for his favorite cause of the moment: getting young adults to sign up for Obamacare.

The video went viral, but Los Angeles Times video editor Ann Simmons asks columnist Robin Abcarian: Did it work?

Last weekend, Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul wowed a crowd of young conservatives at the Conservative Political Action Conference, the annual gathering sponsored by the American Conservative Union. Paul won the group’s annual presidential straw poll by a double-digit margin. What, Simmons asks, makes him so popular?


Another reliable CPAC star, Ann Coulter, stirred up controversy when she railed against immigration reform that contains a “path to legalization.” Simmons wonders whether she is proving to be very helpful as the Republican Party tries to recruit Latino support in order to win national elections. Abcarian says she thinks Coulter could help the GOP if she just stopped talking.
