
Map: Commuting times by city

The map shows the average time spent commuting by city, according to the 2000 Census, the best data to date. Green is below the national average of 25.5 minutes, yellow is 25.6 to 30.5 minutes and red is 30.6 minutes or more (20% over the national average). Click on your city's pin to find the commute time or scroll the list below. You can also zoom in and out to see patterns. I've included the 2006 Census data that's available for some larger cities, but those numbers are from smaller surveys and have a much higher margin of error than the 2000 numbers. And, in case you're wondering, the average commute in New York City in 2000 was 40 minutes and 30.5 minutes for Manhattanites. —Steve Hymon

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