
CIA officer may have followed her conscience


Re “CIA Officer Sacked for Leaking Detention-Site Secrets to Media,” April 22

I wish I could nominate former CIA officer Mary O. McCarthy for the Nobel Peace Prize for informing the American press about this administration’s secret, illegal torture chambers (call them what they are). McCarthy put this country’s honor, integrity and the rule of law above her own personal concerns.

I found the comments by “one U.S. official” particularly heinous: “When liaison countries agree to do things with us and we can’t keep that secret, that is damaging. They’re much less willing to cooperate.” Why should other countries want to cooperate with our unlawful “things”? Ah, yes, for the money. Brava and blessings, Ms. McCarthy. Thomas Jefferson would be so proud.


Palos Verdes



A senior CIA officer is fired and could face criminal prosecution for following her conscience to expose illegal overseas torture prisons, and the leaker in chief reveals the confidential identity of a CIA operative for political purposes with impunity. In a just society, McCarthy would be recognized as a patriot and President Bush would be impeached as a traitor.


Dana Point


As I recall, when it was first revealed that there was a secret network of CIA prisons overseas, the government didn’t acknowledge that such facilities existed. If this were the case, then how could the CIA fire an agent for revealing something that never existed?


Los Angeles
