
Replacements Offered for Tampons With Material Linked to Toxic Shock

Associated Press

International Playtex Inc. has announced that it will provide free replacements for tampons containing material linked to toxic shock syndrome, an often fatal disorder.

The announcement Thursday came one week after the company was ordered to pay $11.23 million in damages in the death of a toxic shock victim. Company President Hercules P. Sotos said that the lawsuit and the exchange were unrelated.

Playtex said that users of Slender, Super and Super Plus tampons should discard any that they have and mail the front box panel to International Playtex Inc., P.O. Box 7010, Dover, Del., 19903, for a free replacement coupon. The new tampons will not contain polyacrylate, which has been linked to toxic shock syndrome, the firm said. Playtex Regulars do not contain polyacrylate.
