
A Glossary for Clearing Up Soviet Publications

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As a public service for those confused by Arlen Grossman’s “Glossary for Latin America” (Letters, March 16), here is a supplement to his listing to help clear up misunderstandings arising from Soviet publications and speeches:

“Revolutionaries”-- Peace-loving, heroic freedom fighters (and also some imported trained paramilitary personnel) who are trying to substitute truly democratic, socialist (read communist) government for existing imperialist regimes.

“Counter Revolutionaries” --Imperialist trained, paid mercenaries supported by the U.S. CIA attempting to thwart the truly democratic rights of the common people who had previously “elected” their government by nearly unanimous vote.


“Democracies”-- Peoples republics with socialist (read communist) governments freely elected with the assistance of friendly comrades from other peoples republics.

“Imperialists”-- All non-socialist, especially capitalist, countries with strange voting habits allowing multiple political parties and even occasional change in governments.

“Friendly aid”-- Military support to socialist leaders leaders who may need it to gain or stay in power, always extended by socialist countries to such states as Afghanistan, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, etc.


“Unwarranted Intervention”-- Military support to imperialist governments who may need it to suppress true revolutionaries.

“Expansionist Policies”-- Practiced by imperialist governments against neighboring states with revolutionary tendencies supported by socialist democracies.

“Protective Alliances”-- Practiced by socialist democracies to assist and protect neighboring states in their spheres of influences against counterrevolutionary intrusions of imperialists.



Los Angeles
