
Neves’ Condition Deteriorates After Seventh Operation

United Press International

The condition of President-elect Tancredo Neves, 75, deteriorated Friday hours after he underwent his seventh operation in a month, a spokesman said. One doctor gave him only a 40% chance to live.

“The president-elect’s condition has worsened and is very worrisome, with the chief difficulties being lung and kidney functions,” presidential spokesman Antonio Brito said.

A medical source at the Clinicas Hospital where Neves is staying said the president-elect experienced chill and fever spells, with his heartbeat varying between 110 and 125 beats per minute. Normal heart rate is between 70 and 90 beats.


Neves was first operated on for an inflamed colon less than 12 hours before his scheduled March 15 inauguration as Brazil’s first civilian president in two decades, and other operations followed to try to eliminate infection.

Dr. Ricardo Veronesi, head of the Sao Paulo University bacteriology department, warned that the latest operation would further weaken the president-elect’s partially functioning lungs.
