
Kissinger and Vietnam

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Kissinger defends U.S. intervention in Vietnam. Of course, rewriting history is child’s play for someone so well skilled in deception (remember, we weren’t really bombing Cambodia.)

Hundreds of thousands of human beings died--for what? To prevent oppression? Sure that’s a noble cause, but what about the Philippines, Chile, El Salvador? No oppression there? Yeah, OK.

Well, what’s the bottom line? Governments that do good business with American big business are free to rule as they wish; those that don’t had better watch out.


And Kissinger’s remedy for this messy world? Read carefully . . . “A democracy cannot conduct a serious (!?!) foreign policy if the contending factions do not exercise some restraint in their debate.” Kissinger seems to be suggesting that he and his friends could run the world efficiently if the rest of us would just keep out of the way. Sound democratic to you? I hope not!

If you truly believe in democracy it is time to defend it, not on foreign lands for wealthy dictators, but here at home. Work hard to become well-informed, question authority, don’t put your future under someone else’s control. Remember democracies require participation--get involved!


