
Thatcher Meets Saudi King on Last Stop of Tour

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United Press International

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher met with Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd in the Saudi capital of Riyadh on Sunday on the last stop of her seven-nation tour of Asian and Middle Eastern nations, the Gulf News Agency reported.

The two leaders discussed developments in the Persian Gulf and Middle East before Thatcher left for London aboard a British air force jet, the Bahrain-based news agency said in a report monitored in Beirut.

The agency said Fahd underscored the need for the European Economic Community to play a more effective role in trying to end the 4 1/2-year-old war between Iran and Iraq.


The Saudi monarch also emphasized that Western Europe should make a greater effort to aid the Palestinians in their search for a homeland, the news agency said.

During her 11-day tour, intended largely to boost British trade in Asia, Thatcher also visited Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India.
