
Local News in Brief : Robert Hughes Faces 3rd Trial, Seeks Delaware Bail Release

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Robert Hughes, a former Thousand Oaks teacher who has been twice convicted of murdering his wife in Delaware in 1976, will ask Wednesday to be released on bail.

Hughes is in prison in Delaware. Both of his convictions have been overturned by the Delaware Supreme Court, the last in February. Hughes has received more than $500,000 in support from fellow Lutherans and others around the nation since his arrest in 1979.

In the most recent action, the Delaware Supreme Court last week denied a prosecution request for a review of the February decision and a defense request that all charges be dropped. A Superior Court hearing on his request to be released on bail will be held Wednesday in Delaware.


Last week’s decision means that Hughes faces a third trial, probably in the fall, said Charles M. Oberly III, the Delaware attorney general. Oberly said he will probably ask that bail be set at $150,000.
